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Imagine 10,000 acres of lush forest, local wildlife, and a variety of flora and fauna coming together.

Can you see the trees, the bike paths, the canoes on the water, and the hiking trails? Can you hear the wind rushing through the trees and the sounds of wildlife that remind us how connected to this earth we really are? There is a revitalizing energy that only comes from experiencing nature firsthand. Now imagine all this in our very own backyard, readily accessible to the people and communities of Dallas. Trinity Nature Park allows us to transform that dream into a reality.


There are few things more satisfying and uplifting than realizing a dream is within your grasp. Alternatively, there are few things more defeating when that oh-so-attainable dream is taken from you, particularly without justification. The fact is, these 10,000 acres are already in existence. For over a decade, the Great Trinity Forest Management Plan has sat dormant and unacted upon. The time for Trinity Nature Park is now.

The need to “go green” and the resulting benefits have never been more apparent in our world and our community than they are right now. Dallas isn’t just ready to “go green,” we are starving for those opportunities. Trinity Nature Park is feasibly within our reach. All we need is your support. With the citizens of Dallas behind us, we can improve the quality of life for all Dallas residents, create vital employment opportunities through increased tourism, and preserve 10,000 acres of nature and life.

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